8 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Cybersecurity


The world is becoming more and more reliant on information technology. Not surprisingly, cybersecurity is one of the industries that is expected to grow significantly in the years to come. According to Grand View Research, the global market size of this field was approximately  $202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030. Joining a fast-growing industry can give you a sense of financial security, but should not be the only factor to consider when making an important decision. Here are a few other reasons to pursue a career in cybersecurity.

1. It’s an industry filled with job opportunities

As a growing industry, cybersecurity is characterized by high employer demand and competitive salaries. According to Cyber Seek, between 2020 and 2021 there were almost 500,000 cybersecurity-related job offers across the U.S.

As the field grows, so will the already high number of available jobs. It remains to be seen whether the number of cybersecurity experts will also catch up with the demand, as the industry is currently dealing with a significant number of unfilled positions. By starting a career in this industry, you are joining a market where compensations are high and competition is rather low.

2. It’s a well-paid profession

In the U.S., the average annual wage in cyber security is $119,998 per year, with entry-level positions starting at $93,243 per year. As is typically the case, highly experienced experts with specialized skills can earn higher salaries, sometimes exceeding $150,000 annually.

Skills in digital security are highly valued across the globe and you can expect satisfactory compensation relative to local costs of living in several other countries, including Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and the European Union.

3. Your job will likely be challenging

Some people like routine jobs, others like challenging ones. If you are in the second group, cybersecurity should be on your list of career options. As you probably know, online security is not only about ensuring safety while browsing the Internet. Modern financial institutions as well as key infrastructure networks such as electricity and transportation are dependent on information systems.

The challenges in cybersecurity are not static, as they evolve along with technology. This means a cybersecurity expert needs to be aware of trends in cyber attacks and constantly update their knowledge base.

4. You can choose your industry

Cybersecurity experts are needed in many fields, meaning you will be able to work in an industry that interests you, even non-profit ones. As a general rule, you will find more job offers in sectors that manage high volumes of data, such as retail, healthcare, and finance.

In retail and healthcare, for instance, cybersecurity is needed to protect private data and to ensure secure transactions. In finance, cybersecurity is what makes possible the existence of an electronic financial ecosystem. The broad applicability of cybersecurity across industries offers you the chance to take advantage of your technical skills by making contributions to the field that interests you most.

5. There is a lot of space for professional growth

Because digital security experts are often needed at every level of a company’s hierarchy, your role within an organization can change over time. For example, you can work as a general security expert, supervisor, manager, or C-level executive.

As in all industries, the better you perform, the more likely it is that you will be able to advance your career at a fast pace. That being said, the high number of unfilled positions for cybersecurity experts might mean it will be easier to advance in your career compared to other industries.

6. You have many choices for specialization

The world of digital security is one of competition between attackers and security providers. As a security expert, you will need to be a step ahead of the attackers and may want to specialize in a specific subfield so that you are better equipped to handle specific security challenges.

For example, you can become specialized in threat hunting, incident response, or an expert in malware analysis. An example of a broader specialization is that of security design, where you become an expert in designing security mechanisms, architecting the logic of access control, and designing user interfaces, among others.

7. It is easy to change your specialization

If you are not keen on the idea of spending decades working in the same job position, you will be interested to know that changing your focus in this career is not as hard as in many other specialties.

In some cases, changing from one security focus to another can be as easy as selecting your first employment. If you have a good sense of the direction in which your organization is going, you might be able to prepare for a new position early on by gaining new relevant knowledge and skills.

8. You will not get bored, probably

Cybersecurity experts need to handle a variety of tasks, including incident response, system maintenance, system upgrades, forensic investigations, disaster recovery, and so on. On any given day, you might find yourself handling an incident response to mitigate a live threat or analyzing system vulnerabilities for risk mitigation.

In other words, regardless of your specialization within the field, you will probably be tasked with multiple responsibilities and unexpected challenges might be part of the routine. As long as you enjoy this kind of work, boredom should not be a recurrent problem.

Bottom line: Cybersecurity is a career for the future

A career in cybersecurity can offer you the sense of stability that comes with joining an expanding industry. If you already have the qualifications for filling a cybersecurity-related position, chances are you have more than one option to consider and sometimes all offers look good at first sight. One way to find useful information about a potential employer is to use search websites. On Leadar, for instance, you can find useful information about companies and individuals that will assist you with decision-making.

The high level of compensation in cybersecurity reflects the high demand for this profession and the important role it plays in protecting the digital assets of private and governmental organizations. As such, it is reasonable to expect that the role of a cybersecurity expert will continue to be important for many years to come.

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