Splunk Commands – Field-value pair matching , Boolean and comparison , Operator and Wildcards


We have already published articles related to Splunk Deployments & Configuration, Architecture, and Features. One of the components of Splunk is “Search Head”. There is a list of search commands to use daily to analyze the logs effectively. Some of the commands will be used in alert rules. And there are 5 golden search commands which play a vital role while searching the logs.

Five Golden Search Commands:

From school days onwards we are using some operators and those are used in all the technologies. Those operator commands are:

  • Field-value pair matching
  • Using boolean and comparison operators
  • Using the IN operator
  • Using wildcards
  • Using the NOT or != comparisons

Field-value pair matching:

We can get exact match values by using OR and AND operators. Default AND specifies the space in-between the search commands.


Src ip = ; Dest ip =

  • The below query will return the results which hold either the src ip or dest ip in the event logs.


| search src_ip= OR dest_ip=

  • The below query will return the results which hold the src ip as well as dest ip in the event logs.


| search src_ip= AND dest_ip=

| search src_ip= dest_ip= (Default AND is considered as one space between the commands)

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Using boolean and comparison operators:

As mentioned in the above paragraph, some of the operators are:

  • AND
  • OR
  • =


  • The below query will search for the failed logs of the particular user “anu”


| search Event_id=4625 | where user=anu

  • The below query display the result of failed logins were the failed count is above 5


| search Event_id=4625| stats count by action | where count>5

Also Read: Splunk Features – Quick Guide on Key Elements

Using the IN operator:

Instead of the OR operator, we can use IN operator to return the logs which have the mentioned values.


  • The below query will display the events which holds logon type 2 and 3


| search Event_id=4624 host=Desktop-Richard | where logon_type IN (2,3)

Also Read: What is the MITRE ATT&CK Framework? How Is It Useful

Using wildcards:

Wildcards can be used in more situations. For example, if we are not sure about the full field value, a wildcard can be used.


  • The below query will display the results of the user name which begins with the letter p.


| search user_name=p*

Using the NOT or != comparisons:

NOT operator is used to exclude the unwanted logs and to get the exact result that we need.


  • The below query will display the results of the failed logins except the user name begins with the letter p.


| search Event_id=4625 | where user_name!=p*

Stay tuned for the list of commonly used Splunk commands…

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Anusthika Jeyashankar
Ambitious Blue Teamer; Enthused Security Analyst