How to Write a Paper on Digital Security


A paper on digital security is a theoretical study of a concept or phenomenon. This type of student work is scientific work because it contains elements of scientific research. In this regard, the paper should be presented with requirements for formatting, as for scientific work.

If digital security is a difficult topic for you, you may ask for help. On, you can find a writer who will write a paper for you. You can choose a helper who is well-versed in digital security and can disclose this topic fully.

General requirements

  • A paper opens with a title page, which indicates the full name of the department, university, and faculty, as well as the digital security topic, the names of the author, and the year and place of writing.
  • On the second page, there is a table of contents with the exact title of each chapter and an indication of the initial pages. Section headings are written in capital letters (INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION) without dots at the end.
  • The total volume of the paper is indicated in the requirements.
  • The text of the work is submitted on standard sheets of A4 writing paper. The paper is printed on the printer on one side of the sheet.
  • The font should be Times New Roman (14 pt), line spacing – one and a half. The text is justified.
  • Each structural part of the paper (introduction, chapters, etc.) should begin on a new page, regardless of where the previous one ended.
  • The heading is typed in bold, lowercase letters and is located in the middle of the line. There is no dot after the title.

Formal components of the paper

  • Title page
  • Content
  • Introduction
  • Main body (chapters with paragraphs)
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Applications (if any).

Paper structure


This short part should contain several introductory paragraphs that directly introduce the digital security topic. Its scientific and practical significance and relevance are determined. The introduction indicates the purpose of the paper and the tasks to be solved in accordance with the goal. A brief review of the literature used is also given here. The introduction in terms of text is 2-3 pages.

Main part

Here, the digital security topic should be disclosed. The content of the main part is divided into chapters, and they, in turn, are divided into paragraphs. There must be a conclusion at the end of each paragraph, as well as at the end of each chapter.

Chapter 1

This section reveals a digital security problem or one of its sides with evidence. The first chapter gives all the definitions of concepts, theoretical reasoning about them, etymology, and comparisons.

The theoretical chapter is most often written according to the principle: from the general to the particular. That is, at first, general approaches to digital security are considered, then they are concretized.

In the theoretical part, sections and chapters from textbooks, books, and articles cannot be placed entirely. In the process of their development, one should highlight and mark the text that is significant for this chapter of the paper. These fragments of the text can be placed in your work as a quote or to compare different approaches to the digital security problem and the principles of its consideration.

In the process of describing digital security, the student also needs to indicate their point of view. In order to competently write a theoretical chapter, it is necessary to work out a sufficiently large number of scientific, methodological, and other sources on the digital security topic.

Chapter 2

This is the main scientific part of the paper. The second chapter is a semantic continuation of the previous one. Here, in a logical sequence, all the collected material on the digital security topic is presented: problems, their social prerequisites, causes, current situation, development processes, various aspects of this problem, prospects, and forecasts.

For greater transparency in the presentation, it is advisable to divide the entire material of the chapter into subparagraphs or paragraphs. – 1.1., 1.2. (with an indication in the table of contents of the corresponding pages). The content of the material should be as complete as possible; the presentation should be consistent and have a problem-search character.


Complete the paper. It remains only to learn how to write a conclusion. It is necessary to summarize the conclusions for each of the chapters, sum up the results of the study, and clearly formulate the conclusions. There must be at least three of them.

In the conclusion, the results of the entire work are summed up, and a brief overview or a generalized conclusion on the digital security topic is made. We emphasize that the conclusions must be strictly correlated with the goals and objectives that were set at the beginning of the work, in the introduction.

Sometimes in the conclusion, prospects for further research are traced, that is, the next steps in the analysis of the digital security problem. The areas of application of the obtained results are also indicated. It is desirable that the introduction and conclusion are equal in volume.

List of used literature

You need to list all the sources you used in alphabetical order. First, books are indicated (fiction and scientific literature, dictionaries, reference books), then newspapers and magazines, and at the end – electronic resources.

Indicate only what you really used, as teachers carefully read the lists; as a rule, they know each book on the problem and like to check whether the named works are really familiar to you. If there are fewer than five sources, then it looks undignified. Books devoted to digital security usually have lists of literature on the topic.

You can take several sources from there. But just writing off their names is not enough: download the electronic version and read at least a few pages to get an idea about them.

Brief summary

Avoid lengths, and choose the very essence for presentation – this skill will be useful to you in “adult life” if the instrument of your profession is a written or oral text. Love your readers: try to communicate only what is essential.

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