Remcos RAT New TTPS – Detection & Response


Remcos is a remote access trojan – a malware used to take remote control over infected PCs.This trojan is created and sold to clients by a “business” called Breaking Security. 

Although Breaking Security promises that the program is only available to those who intend to use it for legal purposes, in reality, Remcos RAT gives clients all the necessary features to launch potentially destructive attacks. The malware can be purchased with different cryptocurrencies.

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It can also capture screenshots, record keystrokes on infected machines, and send the collected information to host servers.

Remcos trojan can be delivered in different forms. Based on RAT’s analysis, it can be spread as an executable file with the name that should convince users to open it, or it pretends to be a Microsoft Word file to download and execute the main payload.

Recent distributions of malware work with both executable and Image files as payloads.

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Executable files as Payload

Infected machines leverage windows defaults such as Sctasks.exe which enables an administrator to create, delete, query, change, run, and end scheduled tasks on a local and vbc.exe software component of the Microsoft .NET framework located at C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\vbc.exe to Compile attacker code on the system. Bypass defensive countermeasures. 

Also Read: What is a WAF? | Web Application Firewall Explained

Image files as Payload

The second method uses ISO similar to Qbot. Infected machines will take UAC bypass techniques with easinvoker.exe and malicious Image files are mounted via \Device\CdRom and malware is getting executed.


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Indicators of Compromise

File hashes:







IP addresses:



Detection & Response


source="WinEventLog:*" AND (((TargetFilename="*.iso" OR TargetFilename="*.img" OR TargetFilename="*.exe") AND (TargetFilename="*\\Users\*\\Downloads\*" OR TargetFilename="*\\Users\*\\Content.Outlook\*" OR TargetFilename="*\\Users\*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\*") AND TargetFilename="*:zone_identifier*" AND EventCode="4663" AND ObjectServer="Security" AND ObjectType="File" AND ObjectName="\\Device\\CdRom*") OR (((TargetFilename="*.iso" OR TargetFilename="*.img" OR TargetFilename="*.exe") AND (TargetFilename="*vbc.exe") AND (CommandLine="*{path}*" OR CommandLine="*/target*" OR CommandLine="*\\temp\\*") AND (TargetFilename="*schtasks.exe") AND (CommandLine="*/Create*" OR CommandLine="*/TN*" OR CommandLine="*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\*")) OR ((TargetFilename="*easinvoker.exe") AND CommandLine="*netutils.dll*" AND CommandLine="*xcopy*" AND CommandLine="*\\system32\\*")))


SELECT UTF8(payload) from events where (LOGSOURCETYPENAME(devicetype)='Microsoft Windows Security Event Log' and (CATEGORYNAME(category) ILIKE 'File Created' or CATEGORYNAME(category) ILIKE 'Successful File Modification')) and ((("Filename" ilike '%.iso' or "Filename" ilike '%.img' or "Filename" ilike '%.exe') and ("Filename" ilike '%\Users\%\Downloads\%' or "Filename" ilike '%\Users\%\Content.Outlook\%' or "Filename" ilike '%\Users\%\AppData\Local\Temp\%') and "Filename" ilike '%:zone_identifier%' and "EventID"='4663' and UTF8(payload) ILIKE 'Security' and "ObjectType"='File' and "ObjectName" ilike '\Device\CdRom%') or ((("Filename" ilike '%.iso' or "Filename" ilike '%.img' or "Filename" ilike '%.exe') and ("Filename" ilike '%vbc.exe') and ("Process CommandLine" ilike '%{path}%' or "Process CommandLine" ilike '%/target%' or "Process CommandLine" ilike '%\temp\%') and ("Filename" ilike '%schtasks.exe') and ("Process CommandLine" ilike '%/Create%' or "Process CommandLine" ilike '%/TN%' or "Process CommandLine" ilike '%\AppData\Local\Temp\%')) or (("Filename" ilike '%easinvoker.exe') and "Process CommandLine" ilike '%netutils.dll%' and "Process CommandLine" ilike '%xcopy%' and "Process CommandLine" ilike '%\system32\%')))

Elastic Query:

((file.path.text:(*.iso OR *.img OR *.exe) AND file.path.text:(*\\Users\*\\Downloads\* OR *\\Users\*\\Content.Outlook\* OR *\\Users\*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\*) AND file.path.text:*\:zone_identifier* AND winlog.event_id:"4663" AND winlog.event_data.ObjectServer:"Security" AND winlog.event_data.ObjectType:"File" AND winlog.event_data.ObjectName:\\Device\\CdRom*) OR ((file.path.text:(*.iso OR *.img OR *.exe) AND file.path.text:*vbc.exe AND process.command_line.text:(*\{path\}* OR *\/target* OR *\\temp\\*) AND file.path.text:*schtasks.exe AND process.command_line.text:(*\/Create* OR *\/TN* OR *\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\*)) OR (file.path.text:*easinvoker.exe AND process.command_line.text:*netutils.dll* AND process.command_line.text:*xcopy* AND process.command_line.text:*\\system32\\*)))


((filemod_name:(*.iso OR *.img OR *.exe) AND filemod_name:(*\\Users\*\\Downloads\* OR *\\Users\*\\Content.Outlook\* OR *\\Users\*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\*) AND filemod_name:*\:zone_identifier* AND EventID:"4663" AND ObjectServer:"Security" AND ObjectType:"File" AND ObjectName:\\Device\\CdRom*) OR ((filemod_name:(*.iso OR *.img OR *.exe) AND filemod_name:*vbc.exe AND process_cmdline:(*\{path\}* OR *\/target* OR *\\temp\\*) AND filemod_name:*schtasks.exe AND process_cmdline:(*\/Create* OR *\/TN* OR *\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\*)) OR (filemod_name:*easinvoker.exe AND process_cmdline:*netutils.dll* AND process_cmdline:*xcopy* AND process_cmdline:*\\system32\\*)))


((TargetFilename.keyword:(*.iso *.img *.exe) AND TargetFilename.keyword:(*\\Users\*\\Downloads\* *\\Users\*\\Content.Outlook\* *\\Users\*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\*) AND TargetFilename.keyword:*\:zone_identifier* AND EventID:"4663" AND ObjectServer:"Security" AND ObjectType:"File" AND ObjectName.keyword:\\Device\\CdRom*) OR ((TargetFilename.keyword:(*.iso *.img *.exe) AND TargetFilename.keyword:*vbc.exe AND CommandLine.keyword:(*\{path\}* *\/target* *\\temp\\*) AND TargetFilename.keyword:*schtasks.exe AND CommandLine.keyword:(*\/Create* *\/TN* *\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\*)) OR (TargetFilename.keyword:*easinvoker.exe AND CommandLine.keyword:*netutils.dll* AND CommandLine.keyword:*xcopy* AND CommandLine.keyword:*\\system32\\*)))


((TargetFilename IN ["*.iso", "*.img", "*.exe"] TargetFilename IN ["*\\Users\*\\Downloads\*", "*\\Users\*\\Content.Outlook\*", "*\\Users\*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\*"] TargetFilename="*:zone_identifier*" event_id="4663" ObjectServer="Security" ObjectType="File" ObjectName="\\Device\\CdRom*") OR ((TargetFilename IN ["*.iso", "*.img", "*.exe"] TargetFilename IN "*vbc.exe" CommandLine IN ["*{path}*", "*/target*", "*\\temp\\*"] TargetFilename IN "*schtasks.exe" CommandLine IN ["*/Create*", "*/TN*", "*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\*"]) OR (TargetFilename IN "*easinvoker.exe" CommandLine="*netutils.dll*" CommandLine="*xcopy*" CommandLine="*\\system32\\*")))

Microsoft Sentinel:

SecurityEvent | where (((TargetFilename endswith '.iso' or TargetFilename endswith '.img' or TargetFilename endswith '.exe') and (TargetFilename matches regex '(?i).*\Users\.*\Downloads\.*' or TargetFilename matches regex '(?i).*\Users\.*\Content.Outlook\.*' or TargetFilename matches regex '(?i).*\Users\.*\AppData\Local\Temp\.*') and TargetFilename contains ':zone_identifier' and EventID == 4663 and ObjectServer =~ 'Security' and ObjectType =~ 'File' and ObjectName startswith @'\Device\CdRom') or (((TargetFilename endswith '.iso' or TargetFilename endswith '.img' or TargetFilename endswith '.exe') and (TargetFilename endswith 'vbc.exe') and (CommandLine contains '{path}' or CommandLine contains '/target' or CommandLine contains @'\temp\') and (TargetFilename endswith 'schtasks.exe') and (CommandLine contains '/Create' or CommandLine contains '/TN' or CommandLine contains @'\AppData\Local\Temp\')) or ((TargetFilename endswith 'easinvoker.exe') and CommandLine contains 'netutils.dll' and CommandLine contains 'xcopy' and CommandLine contains @'\system32\')))

RSA Netwitness:

(((TargetFilename contains '.iso', '.img', '.exe') && (TargetFilename regex '.*\\Users\.*\\Downloads\.*', '.*\\Users\.*\\Content\.Outlook\.*', '.*\\Users\.*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\.*') && (TargetFilename contains ':zone_identifier') && ('4663') && (ObjectServer='Security') && (ObjectType='File') && (ObjectName contains '\Device\CdRom')) || (((TargetFilename contains '.iso', '.img', '.exe') && (TargetFilename contains 'vbc\.exe') && (CommandLine contains '{path}', '/target', '\temp\\\') && (TargetFilename contains 'schtasks\.exe') && (CommandLine contains '/Create', '/TN', '\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\\')) || ((TargetFilename contains 'easinvoker\.exe') && (CommandLine contains 'netutils.dll') && (CommandLine contains 'xcopy') && (CommandLine contains 'system32\\'))))


index = archive AND (rg_functionality = "Microsoft Windows" AND (((rawevent CONTAINS ".iso" OR rawevent CONTAINS ".img" OR rawevent CONTAINS ".exe") AND (rawevent = "*\Users*\Downloads*" OR rawevent = "*\Users*\Content.Outlook*" OR rawevent = "*\Users*\AppData\Local\Temp*") AND rawevent CONTAINS ":zone_identifier" AND @baseeventid = "4663" AND @destinationhostname = "Security" AND @customstring24 = "File" AND @customstring56 STARTS WITH "\Device\CdRom") OR (((rawevent CONTAINS ".iso" OR rawevent CONTAINS ".img" OR rawevent CONTAINS ".exe") AND (rawevent CONTAINS "vbc.exe") AND (@resourcecustomfield3 CONTAINS "{path}" OR @resourcecustomfield3 CONTAINS "/target" OR @resourcecustomfield3 CONTAINS "\temp\") AND (rawevent CONTAINS "schtasks.exe") AND (@resourcecustomfield3 CONTAINS "/Create" OR @resourcecustomfield3 CONTAINS "/TN" OR @resourcecustomfield3 CONTAINS "\AppData\Local\Temp\")) OR ((rawevent CONTAINS "easinvoker.exe") AND @resourcecustomfield3 CONTAINS "netutils.dll" AND @resourcecustomfield3 CONTAINS "xcopy" AND @resourcecustomfield3 CONTAINS "\system32\"))))


(_sourceCategory=*windows* AND ((((".iso" OR ".img" OR ".exe") AND (("\Users\" AND "\Downloads\") OR ("\Users\" AND "\Content.Outlook\") OR ("\Users\" AND "\AppData\Local\Temp\")) AND ":zone_identifier" AND EventID=4663 AND Security AND File AND "\Device\CdRom") OR ((((".iso" OR ".img" OR ".exe") AND ("vbc.exe") AND (CommandLine = "*{path}*" OR CommandLine = "*/target*" OR CommandLine = "*\temp\\*") AND ("schtasks.exe") AND (CommandLine = "*/Create*" OR CommandLine = "*/TN*" OR CommandLine = "*\AppData\Local\Temp\\*")) OR (("easinvoker.exe") AND CommandLine="*netutils.dll*" AND CommandLine="*xcopy*" AND CommandLine="*\system32\\*"))))))

Remcos RAT is a dangerous trojan available to attackers for a relatively low price. Despite its accessibility, it comes equipped with enough robust features to allow attackers to set up their own effective botnets. What’s more, it is modernized with updates released nearly every month by the owner company.

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Balaganesh is a Incident Responder. Certified Ethical Hacker, Penetration Tester, Security blogger, Founder & Author of Soc Investigation.